l’altra strada per l’Europa

l’altra strada per l’Europa

L’altra strada per l’Europa, dalla Siria e dall’Afghanistan, passa attraverso Grecia, Macedonia,Serbia e Ungheria, con il sogno di vivere in Germania. I migranti si muovono a piedi, in bus e treno, dalla frontiera greca a Gevgelija fino a Tabanovtse in Macedonia, poi a Belgrado e Subotiza fino al costruendo muro al confine ungherese.


The second route to Europe is from Syria and Afghanistan through Greece, Macedonia, Serbia and Hungary; the dream is to live in Germany. Migrants are walking, taking buses, train… here from Gevgelija to Tabanovtse in Macedonia, to Beograd and Subotica, until the new wall to the Hungarian border.


Migrants: the route from Greece to Hungary – Images by mauro guglielminotti